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MDSkyBoard Rep Manager Account

MDSkyBoard offers a simple three-step registration process for all rep manager user accounts.
As soon as your account is activated, you can start monitoring the daily OR presence of your direct reports.
Keep tabs on the activity in your sales region and facilitate scheduling challenges.

Register for an Account

Visualize Daily Activity

View rep support cases across your region

The "SkyBoard" platform provides managers with a bird’s eye view of all cases taking place within MDSkyBoard each day. Track sales reps’ activity and customer interactions without entering the field.

Respond to Customer’s Needs

Address customer challenges on the spot

MDSkyBoard allows rep managers to address customer support challenges as they occur. Make your contact information accessible to hospitals in your territory to increase your managerial impact.

Access Historical Reports

View case logs for all managed reps

Micromanaging is not the goal of a MDSkyBoard manager account. However, there are times when reviewing case details can be beneficial to a rep manager. You can understand what hospitals require from your reps to better address your territory’s unique needs.

Oversee Your Region’s Case Support Take an active role in addressing the support needs of your region

A medical device rep manager faces a number of challenges beyond meting sales quotas. Providing hospitals with necessary support and facilitating surgery coverage is a key factor in maintaining rapport with surgeons and hospital customers. MDSkyBoard allows rep managers to stay in the loop about the case support demands of the hospitals within their region. MDSkyBoard provides a variety of rep manager features: viewing daily rep case support, adding/removing reps from upcoming cases, and closing rep accounts for departed device reps. With MDSkyBoard, you can visualize your reps’ activity without going into the field. Increase accountability across your territory and address customers’ needs quickly and effectively by registering for a rep manager account today.

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Bringing control and accountability to a complicated process