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MDSkyBoard Hospital Operating Room Account

MDSkyBoard offers a simple three-step registration process for participating hospitals to activate a cloud-based OR board.
Within minutes, any hospital can begin coordinating case coverage with their medical device reps.

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Improve Efficiency

Coordinate all parties around a common board

MDSkyBoard helps to ensure that medical device reps are present for cases when you need them. Eliminate case breakdowns due to poor communication with device reps.

Save Time

Reduce the workload of OR schedulers

MDSkyBoard keeps all communication in one place. Instead of disjointed communication spread over emails, texts, and phone calls, MDSkyBoard creates a streamlined rep coordination process that makes it easier and quicker than ever to contact medical device reps.

Control OR Activity

Monitor & regulate all OR activity

MDSkyBoard tracks every interaction that takes place on the cloud-based OR board, which regulates sales rep traffic and provides accountability for device rep case coverage.

Introducing the Solution to an overlooked OR inefficiency MDSkyBoard coordinates case support with ease & confidence

In a busy operating room environment, time is a valuable resource. With add-on cases, cancellations, and countless other unforeseen complications, staff are already stretched thin every day. By keeping the scheduling of medical device reps streamlined through an online tool, staff can ensure a successful day in the OR by focusing on what really matters: treating patients.

A typical day in the OR can be full of chaos. Each case requires nurse and scrub tech support, along with an anesthesiologist or CRNA. All of these individuals work together with the surgeon to carry out a successful surgery. Their surgeries for the day are scheduled by the OR board, which determines who goes where. The board constantly evolves throughout the day as cases run late or finish early. A myriad of factors affect the board, such as general case complications, surgeons running late, and equipment turnover. If the board operates smoothly and effectively, the OR runs much more efficiently, which can lead to significant cost savings for the hospital.

In the course of daily OR activity, the medical device sales rep can easily be forgotten. These reps are responsible for operating ancillary equipment, coaching the scrub tech and circulating nurse through the procedure, and bringing in implants or other products necessary for the surgery. The most common scheduling problem occurs when the hospital forgets to notify the sales rep about a surgery. In fact, an entire surgery can be aborted if the sales rep is unable to attend. The value of MDSkyBoard is in its ability to simply and effectively coordinate cases with medical device sales reps, who are not always included on the internal OR board. Even when they are included on the internal board in some form or fashion, the most common question asked is: “Has the sales rep been confirmed?”

After adding a new case to MDSkyBoard, the hospital has the option to request a rep’s attendance. The rep then receives an electronic notification with pertinent details about the case and can confirm his or her attendance at the surgery. The device rep’s confirmation can be seen on MDSkyBoard, giving OR staff the confidence to know that the necessary rep will be in attendance.

Along with the case coordination benefits, MDSkyBoard also provides the hospital with a detailed directory of information for medical device reps. Every day, surgeons request new products; equipment fails and needs repair; and OR personnel require product training and in-servicing. Unfortunately, hospitals do not always know the sales rep for each product used in the OR. With the MDSkyBoard rep directory, that information is easily accessible and searchable so that a hospital can find the right rep at any time. The sales reps themselves populate the information in the directory, so the hospital does not have to perform any backend administrative duties. When information is urgently needed, there is no time to shuffle through business cards, calling rep after rep trying to find the right person to respond to a pressing OR need.

Never before has there been a tool like MDSkyBoard to help regulate and track device rep activity within the OR environment. While tools like RepTrax and VendorMate can manage and track rep visits to the hospital, MDSkyBoard provides the next level of service, allowing the hospital to track sales rep activity within surgeries. Every interaction on MDSkyBoard is tracked and stored so that reports can be quickly generated for each case. A hospital can even limit device rep activity by requiring all OR access to be granted through an MDSkyBoard request. This can help limit rep traffic and prevent unwanted sales calls that may interfere with efficient OR operation.

MDSkyBoard is a tool like no other for facilitating medical device sales rep case support. Run a more efficient OR, contact and communicate with your device reps quicker, and regulate the activity in your OR like never before.

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A new business tool to supplement your Operating Room workflow